Freitag, 14. Mai 2010

BBD#30 olive, herb & parmesan breadsticks

The flavour of these breadsticks is very southern Mediterranean. I just love this breadsticks and if you serve them to your guests, they will love them, too. Promise! I'm always using herb de provence with lavender in it, because it gives such a wonderful flavour to the bread. And make sure, you use good quality olives like Kalamata. Belive me, it would make a big differents in the flavour, if you using cheap ones.
This recipe comes from my bread baking hero Richard Bertinet and his book "Dough".

I will send this post to "Living in the Kitchen with Puppies" who is the host of this month. The theme of this month is: Breads with a Twist.
Bread Baking Day is a monthly event handeld by Zorra.


You just need a simple, fundamental dough with four elements:

10 g yeast (fresh if possible)
500 g whole wheat spelt flour (original strong bread flour)
10 g salt
350 ml lukewarm water

mix flour with yeast and salt, add water and start to make a dough. Hold the bowl with one hand and with your other hand mix the ingredients around (or with a scraper) for 2-3 min. until the dough starts to form.
With a plastic scraper lift the doug out on your worksurface and start strechting and folding the dough to trap the air inside. You have to do this until you have a smoth and firm, non sticking dough.
Let rest the dough at least for one hour on a warm place.

Meanwhile start preparing the other ingredients:


100 g Kalamata Olives
50 g grated Parmesan cheese
5 g herb de provonce

Stone the olives and cut each one roughly. Mix cheese, olives and herbs in a bowl.

Now put out the dough, on a lightly with maize flour, dusted surface. Using your hands to flatten out the dough into a rectangle about 2 cm thick. Sprinkle with cheese and olive mixture and press into the dough with your fingertips.

Fold one third of the dough into the centre and press down with your fingertips. Then fold the opposite side over on top (as if you were folding an A4 letter to put into an envelope). Press with the palms of your hands to work the olives into the dough.

With the flat end of your scraper cut the dough widthways into 10-12 strips about 1 cm wide. Flour your work surface with maize flour. Twist each strip and roll them a little on the work surface so they strech to the length of your baking tray. Cover your tray with backing paper and put the breadsticks on top, leaving a good gap between each one.
Put aside and let rest for 30 min. covered with a kitchen towel.

Put into preheated oven. Mitst the inside with a water spray, then bake them for 10-12 min. until golden brown.
Cool on a wire rack.

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