Donnerstag, 15. Juli 2010

Egg Frittata with Spinach & smoked Salmon

egg-frittata Breakfast Club is a new food blogging event from Sarah of fingers and toes and Helen from Fuss Free Flavours. They love to have breakfast and want everyone to have a better breakfast in the morning. So they came up with this event.
I think it's a great idea, because my breakfast is pretty boring. Most of the time I'm having muesli and sometimes on Sunday a boiled egg. I hope with this event I can make a differents in my eating habits and having from now on a more exciting breakfast every morning.
The theme of this month is eggs. Well, eggs are not really something I would love to have every morning, but from time to time in a new way...why not.
Now, how to cook eggs in a new way, beside boiling, scrambling and frying? That was a real challange for me. At the end, it was only a frittata what I could think of, but with my all time favourites smoked salmon and spinach.

Serves 6

6 eggs
3 slices of smoked salmon, chopped
1 handful of spinach, chopped
1/2 onion, chopped
2 tbsp. canola oil
salt and pepper to taste

Beat eggs, salt and pepper with a fork until well mixed. Stir in smoked salmon and set aside.

Heat oil in ovenproof skillet and add onion until tender. Stir in the spinach and wait for it to wilt.
Pour egg mixture over the spinach and cook until eggs are set. Eggs should be light brown on bottom.

Now broil frittata in your oven for about 3-4 minutes or until golden brown.

We really enjoyed having this frittata for breakfast! Hope you will like it, too.

Herzlich Willkommen

Auf diesen Seiten moechte ich Anregungen geben, fuer all diejenigen, die sich gerne gesuender Ernaehren wollen bzw. muessen. Gerade speziell auch fuer Menschen, die an Diabetes 2 erkrankt sind und dadurch langfristig ihr Essverhalten umstellen muessen. Es werden hier hauptsaechlich Rezepte gezeigt die sich an dem Glykaemischen Index und der vollwertigen Ernaehrung orientieren, um so auch weiterhin genussvoll Essen zu koennen.

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