Sonntag, 21. März 2010

BBD#28 Simple Whole-wheat Buns

BBD-28Tangerine's Kitchen announced her edition of Bread Baking Day. Theme for this month is Bread Buns. I tryed to make this buns as healthy as possible (for Diabetes Typ II) based on a low GI. The principle here to understand is, that the more fibrous chunks there are in the bread (such as the larger, coarser grains of stoneground flour), the more work the body has to do to break down and access the starches. Therefore I used freshly stoneground spelt flour. More infos about bread and low GI you can find on Libbys page low GI cooking.
You can enjoy this buns plain or with quark (fromage blanc).

For everyone who likes to participate:
BreadBakingDay is a monthly event handled by Zorra.
This month is hosted by Tangerine's Kitchen who choose "Bread Buns" as the monthly theme.

Makes 13-15 buns

500 g freshly stoneground spelt flour
20 g dried yeast
1/4 l lukewarm milk
100 g margarine
1 egg
50 g fructose or brown suger
1 TbL honey
1/2 lemon peel
1/2 orange peel
100 g ground almonds
150 g cranberries
icing suger

Heat up milk in a saucepan and let the margarine melt in the milk. Add honey, fructose and let it cool for a bit.
Mix dry ingredients alltogether incl. lemon & orange peel, poor little by little milk mix into the flour and add egg, stir with a wooden spoon. By the time the dough goes firmer add cranberries.
Knead the dough with your hands until it's smooth and firm.

Let rest the dough on a warm and dry place for 30 min. or till dough has double.

Again knead dough and form buns. Put the buns on a baking tray coverd with baking paper, buns need to rest additonal 15 min.

Preheat oven and bake buns about 20-30 min. (depends on the size) by 180 degrees Celsius.

Sprinkle with icing suger while buns warm.

BreadBakingDay #28 - last day of submission April 1, 2010

Herzlich Willkommen

Auf diesen Seiten moechte ich Anregungen geben, fuer all diejenigen, die sich gerne gesuender Ernaehren wollen bzw. muessen. Gerade speziell auch fuer Menschen, die an Diabetes 2 erkrankt sind und dadurch langfristig ihr Essverhalten umstellen muessen. Es werden hier hauptsaechlich Rezepte gezeigt die sich an dem Glykaemischen Index und der vollwertigen Ernaehrung orientieren, um so auch weiterhin genussvoll Essen zu koennen.

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