BBD#31 Hazelnut Bread

Haselnussbrot-IICongratulations to Zorra, for her 3rd anniversary Blog Event: BreadBakingDay. Zorra itself, from 1x umruehren bitte, is the host of this month. She has choosen Bread with Nuts as the monthly theme.
Since I came across her event, I'm always looking forward from month to month, what great baking ideas people coming up with.
My contribution is a very easy, fast and simple to bake bread. You can bake it in a bread baking machine or in your oven. I made this bread in a breadmaker, just because we wanted to have a freshly baked bread in the morning for breakfast. And to be honest, I was to lazy to get up early saturday morning and baking bread.

makes 1 loaf
per slice: 258 kcal/1086 kj, 6 g protein, 13 g fat, 30 g carbohydrates

500 g wholemeal flour
350 g lukewarm water
7 g dried yeast
1 tsp. bread seasoning
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. honey
100 g butter
100 g coarse chopped hazelnuts

Oven version:

Mix flour, yeast, bread seasoning and salt toghether. Melt butter in a pot.
By the time the butter is melted mix with water and honey.
Mix all ingredients, knead and let rise for about 1 hour at room temperature.

After one hour, work the hazelnuts into the dough.
Now grease a loaf pan and place dough into baking pan.
Let rise again for about 15 min. and put into preheated oven for 45 min. at 180 C.

If you like to bake the bread in your breadmaker, follow your instruction manual, please.

recipe source: Reformhaus Kurier 12/2009

Bread Baking Day #31 - 3rd anniversary and giveaways (last day of submission July 1st)
autschibautschi - 30. Jun, 10:22


ja,ja,ja, lecker brot....:)

Zorra - 3. Jul, 11:13

Vielleicht sollte ich mir auch einen Brotbackautomaten zulegen. ;-) Danke fürs Mitmachen!

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