BBD #27 Fried Bread from Argentina (Receta de Tortas Fritas)

BBD-27This will be my first entry for the BBD challenge and I think it's a real great contest, especially the theme for this month. Instantly I asked some friends about Pan Latin0 and Silvina from Argentina came up with a traditional sweet bread from her home country. Normally you fry the bread in lard, but I used sunflower oil. Another tradition is, that people will have this type of bread always with mate tea. Hope you will like it as such as I did.

For everyone who likes to participate:
BreadBakingDay is a monthly event handled by Zorra.
This month is hosted by Canela and Comino who choose "Pan Latino/Latin Bread" as the monthly theme.

1 cup self rising flour
500 g baking flour
1/4 cup sunflower oil
1 egg
lukewarm water
1 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. suger
oil for frying

Put all ingredients, except water, together in a bowl and mix with a wooden spoon. Now step by step give water into the mixture until you have a firm dough. Knead for a little while and set aside until the dough has risen.
Stretch and cut dough in circles, flatten the circles until in the middle is a little dough left. The sides has to be more thick.
Fry the bread in very hot oil, drain and sprinkle with icing suger.
Serve the "Receta de Tortas Fritas" warm with mate tea.

BreadBakingDay #27 - last day of submission March 1, 2010
aspara - 15. Feb, 05:56

Dieses Rezept erinnert mich an unsere "Auszogene" in Deutschland, gerade jetzt zur Faschingszeit.

ayurlie - 16. Feb, 16:02

Hallo Aspara,
genau das dachte ich mir auch, als ich das Rezept von Silvina bekommen hatte. Sie erklaerte es damit, das in Argentien viele Einwanderer leben.
Aber die Receta de Tortas Fritas schmecken auch so aehnlich wie Auszogene.

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