BBD#29 Multigrain Sourdough Bread in Clay Baker

One of my favourite bread baker is Richard Bertinet, I love his books Dough and Crust. This two books helped me a lot to improve my breadbaking skills. Adapt from his recipe, Rye Sourdough, with some changes and adding of different ingredients I made my multigrain sourdough.
50 g sourdough starter
350 g rye flour
250 g warm water
Put all the ingredients together in a bowl and mix very well until you have a softish dough. Cover the bowl with some plastic and let rest for 24 to 36 hours on a warm place. The resting time depends on how warm the place is were your ferment can rest.
Before you use the ferment for a bread, keep 50 g of it in jar and put it into the fridge for your next bread baking day.
Makes 1 big loave
350 g from your rye sourdough (ferment)
350 whole-wheat rye flour
200 g stoneground spelt flour (coarse)
1 tsp. dry yeast
370 g warm water
1 tbsp. flax seed
1 handful of pumkin seeds
1 handful of sunflower seeds
2 tsp. bread spice (cumin, koriander, fennel)
1 tsp. salt

But if you have a maschine who can do this job, even better.
This dough won't be a dry, smooth, elastic one. This one will be more wet.
Now dust your dough with a little flour, cover and let rest for about 3-4 hours at a warm place.
One hour before baking fill water in your clay baker and heat up your oven to 220 degree C.
Empty your clay baker and dust with a little flour, shape your dough, slash the top and put into clay baker.
Mist your oven quickly with your water spray, put in your bread and mist a bit more.
Bake your bread for about 5 min. at 220 C and 45 min. by 190 C.

For everyone who likes to participate:
BreadBakingDay is a monthly event handled by Zorra.
This month is hosted by BreadExperience who choose "Bread in Pots" as the monthly theme.
ayurlie - 26. Apr, 13:22
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