BBD#29 Multigrain Sourdough Bread in Clay Baker

Sourdough-in-Clay-BakerWhat a lovely idea for this month bread baking day theme: Bread in Pots. I'm so curious to seeing the ideas about "Baking in Pots" from all bread bakers around the world. Can't wait for the roundup.
One of my favourite bread baker is Richard Bertinet, I love his books Dough and Crust. This two books helped me a lot to improve my breadbaking skills. Adapt from his recipe, Rye Sourdough, with some changes and adding of different ingredients I made my multigrain sourdough.

50 g sourdough starter
350 g rye flour
250 g warm water

Put all the ingredients together in a bowl and mix very well until you have a softish dough. Cover the bowl with some plastic and let rest for 24 to 36 hours on a warm place. The resting time depends on how warm the place is were your ferment can rest.
Before you use the ferment for a bread, keep 50 g of it in jar and put it into the fridge for your next bread baking day.

Makes 1 big loave

350 g from your rye sourdough (ferment)
350 whole-wheat rye flour
200 g stoneground spelt flour (coarse)
1 tsp. dry yeast
370 g warm water
1 tbsp. flax seed
1 handful of pumkin seeds
1 handful of sunflower seeds
2 tsp. bread spice (cumin, koriander, fennel)
1 tsp. salt

multigrain-sourdoughCombine all the dry ingredients together, add warm water and start mixing with a scraper. When everything comes together to a dough, start kneading with your hands. This will be a good workout.
But if you have a maschine who can do this job, even better.
This dough won't be a dry, smooth, elastic one. This one will be more wet.

Now dust your dough with a little flour, cover and let rest for about 3-4 hours at a warm place.

One hour before baking fill water in your clay baker and heat up your oven to 220 degree C.
Empty your clay baker and dust with a little flour, shape your dough, slash the top and put into clay baker.
Mist your oven quickly with your water spray, put in your bread and mist a bit more.

Bake your bread for about 5 min. at 220 C and 45 min. by 190 C.

BreadBakingDay #29 - last day of submission May 1st, 2010

For everyone who likes to participate:
BreadBakingDay is a monthly event handled by Zorra.
This month is hosted by BreadExperience who choose "Bread in Pots" as the monthly theme.

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