BBD #33 Whole Wheat Bread with Red Wine

Whole-Wheat-Bread-with-Red-Wine The new theme for Bread Baking Day is announced. This month it's "Breads with booze" from Baking Powders. I always wanted to try the bread recipe I got from an old friend. She told me to use red wine to bake her bread. Well, baking bread with beer is very common to me, but never heard of wine before. This month is a good opportunity to try something new.
The bread comes out really nice with a wonderful crust. But I have to say, I can't taste the wine at all.
Anyway, the breads taste is very nice and goes well with cheese or ham. And of course, a glas of red wine. Enjoy!

Makes 2 loaf or 8-10 long rolls

For the fermented dough you need:

200 g whole wheat flour
5 g fresh or dry yeast
5 g salt
120 g warm water

Combine dry ingredients, add water and mix well until the dough come together. Turn out onto your unfloured work surface and work the dough until it's smooth and elastic.
Return the dough to your lightly floured mixing bowl, cover and let rest at least for 6 hours. Better overnight in the fridge.

For your bread you will need:

all your fermented dough
350 g whole wheat flour or whole wheat spelt flour
150 g dark rye flour
5 g yeast fresh or dry
100 g red wine (I used shiraz but any red will do)
200 g water
10 g salt

Mix dry ingredients together, add water, wine, ferment and mix well.
When everything comes together into a dough turn it out of your mixing bowl and knead the dough until you have a firm and elastic dough.
Shape into a ball and flour your bowl and dough lightly. Place back into your bowl and cover, let rest for one hour.

After one hour knead your dough again and divide into 2 pieces or in 10 x 100 g pieces. Shape your dough into small long rolls or two big loafs. Sprinkle your baking tray with fine semolina and place the bread on the tray. Cover with a cloth and leave to prove for 45 min.

Preheat the oven to 250 Grad Celsius. Turn back heat to 180 Grad Celsius and mist quickly the inside with a water spray. Just before you put your breads into the oven, make one long slash down the length of each.
The long rolls you need to bake them for 10-12 min. and the two loafs around 20-30 min. Cool on a wire rack.

Bread Baking Day is a monthly event founded by Zorra from 1x umruehren bitte aka Kochtopf.

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