PPN#158 Whole-Wheat Pasta Casserole

Whole-Wheat-Pasta-AuflaufThis will be my first entry for Presto Pasta Nights. PPN is a weekly event handled by Ruth from Once Upon A Feast. This weeks host is Sarah of Kitchen Vixen.
I love Pasta and PPN is a great event with a lot of inspiring Pasta recipes. But what I like most, it doesn't have to be a traditional Italian Pasta dish, it can be anything with noodles.
The dish what I contribute is normally a vegetable casserole, but I had a lot leftover pasta from the day before what I just added.

350 g whole-wheat pasta from the day before
800 g brokkoli
250 g mushrooms
1 onion
2 garlic cloves
50 g bacon
250 ml vegetable broth
50 ml cream
300 g grated cheese
salt & pepper to taste

Cut brokkoli into florets and blanch for 8 min.

Chop onions and garlic, cut bacon into stripes and slice mushrooms. Heat one spoon olive oil in a pan add onion, garlic and bacon. Fry until bacon is crispy, add mushrooms and fry for about 5 minutes, season with salt and pepper to your taste.
Grease a baking dish, give pasta, brokkoli and bacon-mushroom mix into the dish, poor in vegetable broth and cream, mix thoroughly. Sprinkle on top the grated cheese.
Prehead oven and bake the casserole for about 25 min.

UPDATE: Unfortunately Sara, the Kitchen Vixen will not be able to host this week's Presto Pasta Night. Instead, Ruth will be hosting again. Just send an email with your entry to - ruth (at) 4everykitchen (dot) com.

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